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Soil & Water Conservation Districts


East Cassia  




West Cassia  

Our Soil & Water Conservation Districts

The East Cassia, Minidoka, and West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are sub-units of state government, responsible for soil and water conservation activities within their boundaries.   All 3 Districts are managed by a board of district supervisors elected to the position by Cassia County and Minidoka County residents.  They serve voluntarily and without pay.  


The SWCD supervisors work with farmers and ranchers, cities, counties, and government agencies at all levels.  By encouraging basic conservation work on private land, SWCD activities help control soil erosion and improve water quality.                    

Mission Statement

To encourage responsible natural resource best management practices (BMP) which improve air, soil, and water quality while improving wildlife habitat.  And, to educate both youth and adults about our local conservation practices and needs.


Together with partner agencies, the SWCD strives to provide programs, education, and assistance to landowners for improving conservation practices in the Mini-Cassia area.

Irrigation efficiency pic from WQPA video.png

Click green bar for VIDEO

Touch the lower right-hand corner of the video box for the music notes to turn the audio on and off.


2025 Seedling Tree Sale
going on 
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Apply for the Soil District Scholarship where you live.

Congratulations to Richard Kunau -

IASCD President!


Richard began serving on the West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation District Board in January of 2005. He had always been curious about the Soil and Water Conservation District. Serving on the board has given him a chance to be involved in the farming community in a positive way. Richard likes being able to learn about new farming methods and getting to know new people. Richard assists and supports district activities and continues to look for ways to increase funding for conservation work in our communities.

Richard’s farming experience goes way back. He started working with his brother as a young teenager in Jr. High school. They currently grow corn and alfalfa for a local dairy. Richard as 2 daughters, Delaney and Rayn (rain). Richard likes to spend time snowmobiling and following his girls to activities. He also enjoys farming, working on equipment, implementing new conservation ideas and improvements, and especially enjoys the planning stages of preparing for each new growing season.

Richard currently serves as chairman of the Soil District’s Project Committee for the Mini-Cassia area where they address soil health, water issues, and conservation education for the community. Richard is the Chairman for the West Cassia Soil & Water Conservation District where he has served for 20 years. He is in his 10th year serving as the Director for Division IV (covering 11 Soil Conservation Districts in Southern Idaho) and has served as Treasurer for the IASCD Board of Directors for 9 years.

In November 2024, Richard was selected to serve as the IASCD President (Idaho Association of Conservation Districts). In this position, he will represent all 50 Conservation Districts in the state of Idaho. Richard works with 5 other Division Directors around the state to improve opportunities for landowners and local soil districts. They work with lobbyists and legislators to improve and increase conservation opportunities.

Richard Kunau 2025.jpg
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East and West Cassia

Soil & Water Conservation Districts

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East-West Cassia Swcd

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East Cassia full Board 2023 .jpg

East Cassia SWCD

(From left to right)


Kurt Heward, Vice-Chairman

Ken Woodworth, Treasurer

Steve Ward, Associate Supervisor

Rob Cottle, Chairman

Hannah Sanders, Supervisor

Mark Webb, Associate Supervisor

Brogan Higley, Supervisor (not pictured)


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Minidoka SWCD

(From left to right)


Jeff Schow, Supervisor

Lance Lovell, Treasurer

Luke Stevenson, Supervisor

Dusty Wilkins, Chairman

Reid Bowen, Retired


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West Cassia SWCD

(From left to right)


Scott Yost - Supervisor

Chad Searle - Supervisor

Jordan Searle, Vice-Chairman

Ken Black - Treasurer

Richard Kunau - Chairman


Sunrise over the Wheat Field

East Cassia SWCD & West Cassia SWCD

We are located in the USDA Offices at

1361 East 16th Street

Burley, ID 83318



Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-2:00

Minidoka SWCD

98 South 200 West, Suite B

Rupert, ID 83350


Located in the USDA Offices next to the Rupert Golf Course



Office Hours:  Tuesday-Friday 9:00-2:00

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