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Education for Adults

Projects, Classes, & More...

The Districts are strong believers in EDUCATION for all ages.
They teach the importance of good conservation efforts and practices.

The districts promote programs and activities for both adults and youth.
Check back often for new information and upcoming events!

East Cassia full Board 2023 .jpg

East Cassia SWCD

(From left to right)


Kurt Heward, Supervisor

Ken Woodworth, Treasurer

Steve Ward, Vice Chairman

Rob Cottle, Chairman

Hannah Sanders, Supervisor

Mark Webb, Associate Member


Minidoka Board 2023.jpeg

Minidoka SWCD

(From left to right)


Jeff Schow, Supervisor

Lance Lovell, Treasurer

Luke Stevenson, Supervisor

Dusty Wilkins, Chairman

Reid Bowen, Vice Chairman


West Cassia 2024.jpg

West Cassia SWCD

(From left to right)


Ken Black - Treasurer

Jordan Searle, Vice-Chairman

Richard Kunau - Chairman

Chad Searle - Supervisor


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